Designing your manifest ======================= Purpose of the manifest file ---------------------------- The manifest file is there to describe what you want to provision and into which accounts you want to provision products into. It is possible to use AWS Organizations to make your manifest file more concise and easier to work with but the premise is the same - it is just a list of accounts and AWS Service Catalog products. Sections of the manifest file ----------------------------- There are three sections to a manifest file - the global parameters, the accounts list and the launches. Each of the three are described in the following sections. Parameters ########## It is possible to specify global parameters that should be used when provisioning your AWS Service Catalog Products. You can set the value to an explicit value or you can set the value to the result of a function call - using funcation calls to set parameter values is known as using a macro. Here is an example of a simple global parameter: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 parameters: CloudTrailLoggingBucketName: default: cloudtrail-logs-for-aws It is possible to also specify a parameter at the account level: .. code-block:: yaml accounts: - account_id: '' name: '' default_region: eu-west-1 regions_enabled: - eu-west-1 - eu-west-1 tags: - type:prod - partition:eu - scope:pci parameters: RoleName: default: DevAdmin Path: default: /human-roles/ And finally you specify parameters at the launch level: .. code-block:: yaml launches: account-iam-for-prod: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 parameters: RoleName: default: DevAdmin Path: default: /human-roles/ deploy_to: tags: - tag: type:prod regions: default_region Whenever Puppet provisions a product it checks the parameters for the product. If it sees the name match one of the parameter values it will use it. In order to avoid clashes with parameter names we recommend using descriptive names like in the example - using the parameter names like ``BucketName`` will lead you into trouble pretty quickly. The order of precedence for parameters is account level parameters override all others and launch level parameters override global. Retrieving AWS SSM Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.0.33 You can retrieve parameter values from SSM in the puppet account - these parameters do not belong to the spoke account. Here is an an example: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 parameters: CentralLoggingBucketName: ssm: name: central-logging-bucket-name You can get a different value for each region: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 parameters: CentralLoggingBucketName: ssm: name: central-logging-bucket-name region: eu-west-1 .. note:: Since 0.94.0 you can use intrinsic functions within the parameter name You can use intrinsic functions for AWS AccountId and Region within the ssm parameter name: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 parameters: VPCCidrRange: ssm: name: /vpcs/${AWS::AccountId}/${AWS::Region}/cidr ${AWS::AccountId} and ${AWS::Region} will be replaced with the spoke account id and the region where the provisioning will occur. This allows you to build out account specific parameters using SSM parameter store parameters in the hub account. You can use your account vending machine to provision the account specific ssm parameters in the hub account and then use this to read them. Setting AWS SSM Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.0.34 You can set the value of an SSM Parameter to the output of a CloudFormation stack output: .. code-block:: yaml account-iam-sysops: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 parameters: Path: default: /human-roles/ RoleName: default: SysOps deploy_to: tags: - regions: default_region tag: type:prod outputs: ssm: - param_name: account-iam-sysops-role-arn stack_output: RoleArn The example above will provision the product ``account-iam`` into an account. Once the stack has been completed it will get the value of the output named ``RoleArn`` of the CloudFormation stack and insert it into SSM within the default region using a parameter name of ``account-iam-sysops-role-arn`` You can also set override which region the output is read from and which region the SSM parameter is written to: .. code-block:: yaml account-iam-sysops: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 parameters: Path: default: /human-roles/ RoleName: default: SysOps deploy_to: tags: - regions: default_region tag: type:prod outputs: ssm: - param_name: account-iam-sysops-role-arn stack_output: RoleArn region: us-east-1 .. note:: There is currently no capability of reading a value from a CloudFormation stack from one region and setting an SSM param in another. Macros ~~~~~~ You can also use a macro to set the value of a parameter. It works in the same way as a normal parameter except it executes a function to get the value first. Here is an an example: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 parameters: AllAccountIds: macro: method: get_accounts_for_path args: / At the moment there are the following macros supported: .. code-block:: yaml +------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ | macro method name | args | description | +========================+==============================+==============================================+ | get_accounts_for_path | ou path to get accounts for | Returns a comma seperated list of account ids| +------------------------+------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+ Mappings ######## .. note:: This was added in version 0.92.0 Within the mappings section you can define mappings that can be used to set the value of parameters. Here a mapping is defined: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 mappings: WebProxyDevice: us-east-1: "ami": "ami-15f77f867" us-west-1: "ami": "ami-0bdb82235" eu-west-1: "ami": "ami-16506cd98" Here a mapping is used: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 launches: DeployProxy: deploy_to: tags: - regions: enabled_regions tag: ou:prod parameters: AMI: mapping: - WebProxyDevice - AWS::Region - ami portfolio: networking product: proxy version: v3 When DeployProxy is provisioned the parameter named AMI will have its value determined. It's value will be taken from the mappings section. The framework will look through the mappings for one named WebProxyDevice. The framework will then look within the WebProxyDevice dictionary for an object with the name of the current region and then within that for an item with the key ami. It is also possible to use AWS::AccountId: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 mappings: AccountDetails: 0123456789010: "owner": "" You can also combine them: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 mappings: Networking: 0123456789010: eu-west-1: cidr: "" You can use the special value of default as a catch all when you do you not specify a value: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 mappings: AccountDetails: owners: 0123456789010: "" 0098765432102: "" default: "" Accounts ######## With the accounts section, you can describe your AWS accounts. You can set a default region, the enabled regions and you can tag your accounts. This metadata describing your account is used to determine which packages get deployed into your accounts. Setting a default region ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Within your account you may have a _home_ or a default region. This may be the closest region to the team using the account. You use ``default_region`` when describing your account and then you can use ``default_region`` again as a target when you specify your product launches - the product will be provisioned into the region specified. Here is an example with a ``default_region`` set to ``us-east-1``: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 accounts: - account_id: '' name: '' default_region: us-east-1 regions_enabled: - us-east-1 - us-west-2 tags: - type:prod - partition:us - scope:pci .. note:: Please note ``default_region`` can only be a string - not a list. Setting enabled regions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may chose not to use every region within your AWS Account. When describing an AWS account you can specify which regions are enabled for an account using ``regions_enabled``. Here is an example with ``regions_enabled`` set to ``us-east-1 and us-west-2``: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 accounts: - account_id: '' name: '' default_region: us-east-1 regions_enabled: - us-east-1 - us-west-2 tags: - type:prod - partition:us - scope:pci .. note:: Please note ``regions_enabled`` can only be a list of strings - not a single string Setting tags ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can describe your account using tags. Tags are specified using a list of strings. We recommend using namespaces for your tags, adding an extra dimension to them. If you choose to do this you can use a colon to split name and values. Here is an example with namespaced tags: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 accounts: - account_id: '' name: '' default_region: us-east-1 regions_enabled: - us-east-1 - us-west-2 tags: - type:prod - partition:us - scope:pci In this example there the following tags: - namespace of type and value of prod - namespace of partition and value of us - namespace of scope and value of pci. The goal of tags is to provide a classification for your accounts that can be used to a deployment time. Using an OU id or path (integration with AWS Organizations) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.0.18 When specifying an account you can use short hand notation of ``ou`` instead of ``account_id`` to build out a list of accounts with the same properties. For example you can use an AWS Organizations path: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 accounts: - ou: /prod name: '' default_region: us-east-1 regions_enabled: - us-east-1 - us-west-2 tags: - type:prod - partition:us - scope:pci The framework will get a list of all AWS accounts within the ``/prod`` Organizational unit and expand your manifest to look like the following (assuming accounts 0123456789010 and 0109876543210 are the only accountss within ``/prod``): .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 accounts: - account_id: 0123456789010 name: '' default_region: us-east-1 regions_enabled: - us-east-1 - us-west-2 tags: - type:prod - partition:us - scope:pci - account_id: 0109876543210 name: '' default_region: us-east-1 regions_enabled: - us-east-1 - us-west-2 tags: - type:prod - partition:us - scope:pci Launches ######## Launches allow you to decide which products get provisioned into each account. You link product launches to accounts using tags or explicit account ids and you can set which regions the products are launched into. Timeouts ~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.1.14 If you are worried that a launch may fail and take a long time to fail you can set a timeout ``timeoutInSeconds``: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 launches: account-iam-for-prod: portfolio: example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam timeoutInSeconds: 10 version: v1 deploy_to: tags: - tag: type:prod regions: default_region Tag based launches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can specify a launch to occur using ``tags`` in the ``deploy_to`` section of a launch. Here is an example, it deploys a ``v1`` of a product named ``account-iam`` from the portfolio ``example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio`` into into the ``default_region`` of all accounts tagged ``type:prod``: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 launches: account-iam-for-prod: portfolio: example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 deploy_to: tags: - tag: type:prod regions: default_region When you specify more than one tag entry in deploy_to->tags the framework will interpret this as an or so the following snippet will provision ``v1`` of ``account-iam`` to all accounts tagged ``type:prod`` or ``type:dev``: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 launches: account-iam-for-prod: portfolio: example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 deploy_to: tags: - tag: type:prod regions: default_region - tag: type:dev regions: default_region Account based launches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also specify a launch to occur explicity in an account by using the ``accounts`` section in the ``deploy_to`` section of a launch. Here is an example, it deploys a ``v1`` of a product named ``account-iam`` from the portfolio ``example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio`` into into the ``default_region`` of the accounts ``0123456789010``: .. code-block:: yaml schema: puppet-2019-04-01 launches: account-iam-for-prod: portfolio: example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 deploy_to: accounts: - account_id: '0123456789010' regions: default_region Choosing which regions to provision into ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When writing your launches you can choose which regions you provision into. The valid values for regions are: - ``enabled`` - this will deploy to each enabled region for the account - ``regions_enabled`` - this will deploy to each enabled region for the account - ``default_region`` - this will deploy to the default region specified for the account - ``all`` - this will deploy to all regions enabled in your config (whilst setting up Puppet) - list of AWS regions - you can type in a list of AWS regions (each region selected should be present in your config) Dependencies between launches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Where possible we recommend building launches to be independent. However, there are cases where you may need to setup a hub account before setting up a spoke or there may be times you are using AWS Lambda to back AWS CloudFormation custom resources. In these examples it would be beneficial to be able to say deploy launch x and then launch y. To achieve this You can use ``depends_on`` within your launch like so: .. code-block:: yaml launches: account-vending-account-creation: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-vending-account-creation version: v1 depends_on: - account-vending-account-bootstrap-shared - account-vending-account-creation-shared deploy_to: tags: - tag: scope:puppet-hub regions: default_region account-vending-account-bootstrap-shared: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-vending-account-bootstrap-shared version: v1 deploy_to: tags: - tag: scope:puppet-hub regions: default_region account-vending-account-creation-shared: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-vending-account-creation-shared version: v1 deploy_to: tags: - tag: scope:puppet-hub regions: default_region In this example the framework will deploy ``account-vending-account-creation`` only when ``account-vending-account-bootstrap-shared`` and ``account-vending-account-creation-shared`` have been attempted. Termination of products ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.1.11 To terminate the provisioned product from a spoke account (which will delete the resources deployed) you can change the status of the launch using the ``status`` keyword: .. code-block:: yaml launches: account-vending-account-creation: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-vending-account-creation version: v1 status: terminated deploy_to: tags: - tag: scope:puppet-hub regions: default_region When you mark a launch as terminated and run your pipeline the resources will be deleted and you can then remove the launch from your manifest. Leaving it in will not cause any errors but will result in your pipeline running time to be longer than it needs to be. Please note, when mark your launch as ``terminated`` it cannot have dependencies, parameters or outputs. Leaving these in will cause the termination action to fail. .. note:: When you set status to terminated you must remove your depends_on and parameters for it to work. .. warning:: Since 0.1.16, terminating a product will also remove any SSM Parameters you created for it via the manifest.yaml Managing large manifests or working in teams (multiple manifest files) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.71.0 If you have a large manifest file or are working in a team you may find it difficult managing changes occurring to your manifest file. You may find yourself having a lot of merge conflicts. To resolve this you can split your manifest file into smaller pieces. You can specify launches in a launch directory within your ServiceCatalogPuppet repository: .. code-block:: bash ✗ tree ServiceCatalogPuppet ServiceCatalogPuppet ├── launches │   └── launches-for-team-a.yaml ├── manifest.yaml The file (in this example launches-for-team-a.yaml) should be a list of launches: .. code-block:: bash ✗ cat launches-for-team-a.yaml account-vending-account-creation: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-vending-account-creation version: v1 depends_on: - account-vending-account-bootstrap-shared - account-vending-account-creation-shared deploy_to: tags: - tag: scope:puppet-hub regions: default_region account-vending-account-bootstrap-shared: portfolio: demo-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-vending-account-bootstrap-shared version: v1 deploy_to: tags: - tag: scope:puppet-hub regions: default_region The framework will load the manifest.yaml and *overwrite* any launches with ones defined in files from the launches directory. The framework will not warn you of any overrides. You can also specify parameters and spoke-local-portfolios in directories too. When doing so, the files should contain lists of parameters or spoke-local-portfolios and should not be a dictionary. .. code-block:: bash ✗ tree ServiceCatalogPuppet ServiceCatalogPuppet ├── parameters │   └── parameters-for-team-a.yaml ├── spoke-local-portfolios │   └── spoke-local-portfolios-for-team-a.yaml ├── manifest.yaml The names of the file within the launches, parameters and spoke-local-portfolios are ignored. You can also declare other manifest files in a manifests directory: .. code-block:: bash ✗ tree ServiceCatalogPuppet ServiceCatalogPuppet ├── manifests │   └── manifest-for-team-a.yaml │   └── manifest-for-networking.yaml │   └── manifest-for-governance.yaml When you write a manifest file in the manifests directory the accounts section is ignored - you can only specify launches, parameters and spoke-local-portfolios. Managing large manifests or working across multiple environments (external versions / properties files) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.76.0 If you are using puppet to manage multiple environments you may find it easier to keep the versions of your launches in properties files instead of the manifest.yaml files. To do this you create a file named in the same directory as your manifest.yaml file. Within this file you can specify the following: .. code-block:: ini [launches] IAM-1.version = v50 This will set the version for the launch with the name IAM-1 to v50. Please note this will overwrite the values specified in the manifest.yaml files with no warning. If you are using multiple instances of puppet you can also create a file named Values in this file will overwrite all other values making the order of reading: 1. manifest.yaml 2. files in manifests/ 3. 4. Sharing mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This was added in version 0.88.0 When you write a launch, the framework will share the portfolio used with each spoke account you are deploying into. The framework shares with each account and accepts the share within each account. You can tell the framework to share with an OU (using Organizational sharing) instead and then accept the share from within each account still. This reduces the time taken to share portfolios but means all accounts in the same OU will have the portfolio shared with them - those account will not have the portfolio share accepted. To enable this behaviour you need to set the sharing_mode: .. code-block:: yaml launches: account-iam-for-prod: portfolio: example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 sharing_mode: AWS_ORGANIZATIONS deploy_to: tags: - tag: type:prod regions: default_region To revert back you can set sharing_mode back to ACCOUNT: .. code-block:: yaml launches: account-iam-for-prod: portfolio: example-simple-central-it-team-portfolio product: account-iam version: v1 sharing_mode: ACCOUNT deploy_to: tags: - tag: type:prod regions: default_region If you are using this feature you must be able to share using Organizations in your puppet account. To do this you must have installed puppet into your AWS Organizations management account or you must have delegated your puppet account as an AWS Service Catalog organizations master account. The default value for sharing_mode is ACCOUNT unless you change it using the following command .. code-block:: bash servicecatalog-puppet set-config-value global_sharing_mode_default AWS_ORGANIZATIONS Alternatively, you can also add the following to your config: .. code-block:: yaml global_sharing_mode_default: AWS_ORGANIZATIONS When you change the global_sharing_mode_default it affects launches and spoke-local-portfolios. Lambda Invocations ################## .. note:: This was added in version 0.83.0 If you are migrating to puppet from your own AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions solution you may want to reuse some of your Lambda functions to orchestrate activities like the removal of default VPCs or other actions in your accounts where using AWS Service Catalog + AWS CloudFormation may be cumbersome. To do this you can use ``lambda-invocation`` in your manifest file: .. code-block:: yaml lambda-invocations: remove-default-vpc: function_name: remove-default-vpc qualifier: $LATEST invocation_type: Event invoke_for: tags: - regions: enabled_regions tag: scope:all The above example will build a list by walking through each ``enabled_region`` for all accounts tagged ``scope:all``. It will then invoke the ``$LATEST`` version of the ``remove-default-vpc`` in your puppet account for each item in the list, setting the parameters in the event object of the designated lambda to include ``account_id`` and ``region`` properties so you can implement whatever you want. .. code-block:: yaml lambda-invocations: remove-default-vpc: function_name: remove-default-vpc qualifier: $LATEST invocation_type: Event depends_on: - name: remove-default-vpc-lambda type: launch invoke_for: tags: - regions: enabled_regions tag: scope:all The ``lambda-invocations`` section includes support for depends_on where you can depend on another ``lambda-invocations`` or a ``launch``. Using the depends_on you can provision the AWS Lambda function before executing using puppet as your complete solution for configuration. The properties for ``function_name``, ``qualifier`` and ``invocation_type`` are passed as is to the AWS Boto3 Lambda invoke function. You can use parameters as you can for launches: .. code-block:: yaml lambda-invocations: remove-default-vpc: function_name: remove-default-vpc qualifier: $LATEST invocation_type: Event parameters: RoleName: default: DevAdmin CentralLoggingBucketName: ssm: name: central-logging-bucket-name region: eu-west-1 depends_on: - name: remove-default-vpc-lambda type: launch invoke_for: tags: - regions: enabled_regions tag: scope:all If you set the invocation_type to Event puppet will not check if the Lambda function completed successfully. If you set the invocation_type to RequestResponse then it will wait for completion and error should the function not exit successfully.