Execution modes =============== What are execution modes ------------------------ Execution modes alter the way the framework runs. When you change the value of the execution mode you change how or where the execution will occur. Up until version 0.76.0 this framework only supported a single execution mode - hub. This meant there was a single pipeline provisioning products and sharing portfolios. This is still the default mode. When you configure a launch you can set the execution mode. If you do not set it, it will default back to hub. Read the following to understand more about the different execution modes. How to set the execution mode ----------------------------- You can configure the execution mode for a launch by setting it: .. code-block:: yaml IAM-1: portfolio: e-mandatory product: aws-iam-administrator-access-assumable-role-account version: v1 execution: async parameters: AccountToTrust: default: '0123456789010' RoleName: default: 'SuperAdmin' Path: default: '/' deploy_to: tags: - tag: role:spokes regions: default_region You can change the execution mode to any of the accepted values at any time. Hub --- Hub is the default. It means all provisioning occurs in the main AWS CodeBuild project in the puppet account. During a hub execution the CodeBuild project will wait for each execution to complete before processing its dependents. Async ----- .. note:: This was added in version 0.76.0 With async the provisioning still occurs in the CodeBuild project of the puppet account but when provisioning of launches is running the CodeBuild project does not wait for the completion of the product provisioning. This means you cannot depend on a launch that is async and you cannot have outputs for an async launch. Spoke ----- .. note:: This was added in version 0.78.0 .. note:: This will require you to bootstrap your spokes again if you bootstrapped your spokes with a version prior to 0.78.0 - which was July 8, 2020. You can check the version of the spoke in AWS SSM Parameter store (a parameter named service-catalog-puppet-spoke-version in your home region should be present). If you need to bootstrap your spokes again you can bootstrap each in the same way you initially did it otherwise you can use the AWS Codebuild project ``servicecatalog-puppet-bootstrap-spokes-in-ou`` With spoke the provisioning starts in the puppet account as normal. Once a launch with spoke execution mode is found an AWS Codebuild project is triggered in the spoke account to perform the provisioning. The framework will run the project only once per account per run of the main puppet run to avoid wasteful execution times. The depends_on statements are adhered to within the same account but depending on launches across accounts are not adhered to. When using AWS SSM parameters in spoke execution mode you will need to declare which account the SSM parameter is available in. You can use ${AWS::PuppetAccountId} or ${AWS::AccountId} to specific the hub or the spoke. If you specify the hub account the SSM parameter will be retrieved and its value will be shared with the spoke. When sharing from the hub to the spoke there is no cross account permission added, the values of the parameters are shared in text files with the spoke account AWS CodeBuild project. Here is an example using a parameter in the hub account to share values with the spoke. .. code-block:: yaml IAM-1: portfolio: e-mandatory product: aws-iam-administrator-access-assumable-role-account version: v1 execution: spoke parameters: AccountToTrust: ssm: name: '/accounts/tooling/accountId' account_id: '${AWS::PuppetAccountId}' RoleName: default: 'SuperAdmin' Path: default: '/' deploy_to: tags: - tag: role:spokes regions: default_region