Source code for servicecatalog_puppet.sdk

# Copyright 2019, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from servicecatalog_puppet import cli_commands

[docs]def run(what="puppet", wait_for_completion=False): """ Run something :param what: what should be run. The only parameter that will work is ``puppet`` :param wait_for_completion: Whether the command should wait for the completion of the pipeline before it returns """, wait_for_completion)
[docs]def add_to_accounts(account_or_ou): """ Add the parameter to the account list of the manifest file :param account_or_ou: A dict describing the the account or the ou to be added """ cli_commands.add_to_accounts(account_or_ou)
[docs]def remove_from_accounts(account_id_or_ou_id_or_ou_path): """ remove the given ``account_id_or_ou_id_or_ou_path`` from the account list :param account_id_or_ou_id_or_ou_path: the value can be an account_id, ou_id or an ou_path. It should be present in the accounts list within the manifest file or an error is generated """ cli_commands.remove_from_accounts(account_id_or_ou_id_or_ou_path)
[docs]def add_to_launches(launch_name, launch): """ Add the given ``launch`` to the launches section using the given ``launch_name`` :param launch_name: The launch name to use when adding the launch to the manifest launches :param launch: The dict to add to the launches """ cli_commands.add_to_launches(launch_name, launch)
[docs]def remove_from_launches(launch_name): """ remove the given ``launch_name`` from the launches list :param launch_name: The name of the launch to be removed from the launches section of the manifest file """ cli_commands.remove_from_launches(launch_name)
[docs]def upload_config(config): """ This function allows you to upload your configuration for puppet. At the moment this should be a dict with an attribute named regions: regions: [ 'eu-west-3', 'sa-east-1', ] :param config: The dict containing the configuration used for puppet """ cli_commands.upload_config(config)
[docs]def bootstrap(with_manual_approvals): """ Bootstrap the puppet account. This will create the AWS CodeCommit repo containing the config and it will also create the AWS CodePipeline that will run the solution. :param with_manual_approvals: Boolean to specify whether there should be manual approvals before provisioning occurs """ cli_commands.bootstrap(with_manual_approvals)